7 Must-Read Books For Female Entrepreneurs

Books are a gateway to information and reading the right ones will expand, develop and grow your mind. If you’re familiar with Neuroplasticity, you can actually change your brain and rewire yourself in response to the stimulation or learning and experience. Fascinating, right?

When you read a book, you are delving into another person’s plethora of knowledge, experience, setbacks and lessons in a single publication usually for the price of £10-£20.

Personally, I love reading a physical book… nothing compares to the ability of folding pages, highlighting key phrases and insights and leaving coffee stains… But whether you read via your Kindle, iPad or a physical book, reading is crucial at developing your mindset into a resilient, winning and driven entrepreneur one. With that said, here are my top seven books that I personally suggest you should read:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker

Relentless, Tim S. Grover

Relentless, Tim S. Grover

1) Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki

This book will blow you away and change your mindset for GOOD. Robert Kiyosaki speaks from first hand experience on what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not. Your perspective on how to build wealth (i.e. your money working for you rather than working for your money) will be changed; a must-read if you want to be successful and start your own business! 

2) Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Harv T. Eker

Get ready to change your money mindset! I didn’t realise how much I needed to read this book until I completed it in just a few days. This is a classic money mindset book and I guarantee it’ll change the way you think about not just earning money, but investing and building wealth.

3) Relentless, Tim Grover

Read this book and then move straight onto Grover’s second book Winning.. I am a big fan of Tim Grover’s work because of his no BS approach. He worked with top basketball athletes, notably Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. To be the best, you have to think like the best, and it’s different to 99% of the world. Couldn’t recommend this book more!

The Success Principles, Jack Canfield

The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy

The 4-Hour Work Week, Timothy Ferris

The 4-Hour Work Week, Timothy Ferris

4) The Success Principles, Jack Canfield

This was one of the first three personal development books I read and to be honest, I still refer back to it even now! The Success Principles is almost a right of passage for entrepreneurs - just buy it and you’ll understand why.

5) The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy

Good habits compounded over time = greatness. This is a great book that revolves around how to not only form habits that serve you, but also how these habits compound over time.

6) The Four Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris

Game changer… this book is step-by-step guide that will teach you how to be more productive, to get done more in less time, eliminate unnecessary work and more.

7) 5AM Club, Robin Sharma

One of my favourite books of all time. I used to claim that I wasn’t a morning person, and then I read this book. The truth is that anyone who is successful and at the top of their game rises before 6am (most likely). Not only is this an enjoyable read but it’ll change the way you view mornings and how much potential there is in them.

These are my top suggestions as they have such valuable information and will help you to grow not only as an individual but also as a female entrepreneur and business woman! Of course this is only a very small selection - there are hundreds of incredible books that I’ve read. Check out my Amazon page here with all my other recommendations under “Business & Personal Growth Books.

If you have your own recommendations for female entrepreneurs about growth, business and mindset, please let me know in the comments below! I’m always curious to discover more great reads!

Catherine x


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